Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning the boys slept in until 8 and I couldn't help but think this is probably the last year that's going to happen!
We bought the boys 3 presents present was DVD's, one was books and one was a toy. I found all the books and DVD's at either garage sales, MOPS care & share or thrift stores, but the toys were brand new.

Jack got a Mickey DVD and an Elmo DVD and Owen got 3 tractor DVD's. Jack was so in love with the Mickey DVD he actually held it all the way down to Ga-Ga & Pa's house...he WOULD NOT let it go.

Owen loves firetrucks so when I found this at Costco I knew it was perfect. He rode all the way down to Ga-Ga & Pa's holding on it and moving the ladder back and forth.

Jack loves playing with the broom and the vacuum so I got him his very own vacuum at Toys R Us. It makes noise and lights up and it's the same vacuum they have in our church nursery so I knew he would love it.

He is one happy boy!

After playing with their toys for a little while we had them open up their stockings. Here they are waiting!

The boys each got one wrapped present - Owen got crayons & Jack got Winnie the Pooh books. Then they each got two Cars bouncy balls and Pez dispensers. Oh the Pez were a hit to say the least!

Owen was eating them so fast his saliva glands were going crazy!

Owen definitely understood the whole opening presents thing so I'm sure next month at his 3rd birthday he is going to be a pro!