Friday, August 27, 2021

First Day Of School 2021!

For the 2021 - 2022 school year we started school on August 23rd. This was due to the fact that we had a 16 day road trip planned in September and I didn't want to still be in school come July 2022! Thankfully the kids weren't too upset about starting early. We did have a really packed summer so it was nice to get back into a routine. 

My cute Jackson is headed into his last year of Middle School! 

Owen is official in high school! I thought this fact would freak me out, but since he's homeschooled it doesn't really seem all that scary. 2025 is gonna be here before we know it though! 

This sassy pants, Ella Grace, is in 5th grade! I can't believe how grown up she is. She doesn't look like she's only 11 years old! 

4th out here comes Zeke! 

The Martin Family Christian Academy! 


These crazy kids! 

Oh look there's the principal! 

At their desks ready to learn! The funny thing is Owen rarely sits at his desk....he prefers to work at the dining room table instead. 

Since Owen is in high school this year he has to account for 72 PE hours. I thought it would be great for us all to get some exercise so we decided to take advantage of the nice weather while we could. Thankfully our Discovery pass that we bought during the summer of 2020 was still active until the end of the August. Our first hiking trip of the year was super close to home...Saltwater State Park. 

This was definitely a learning experience. Our upcoming road trip was going to include many hikes so this was a nice prelude to that. 

I had to deal with all sorts of attitudes and entitlement issues. 

I had to have kids walk behind me and not be in the lead anymore because of control issues. 

I had to encourage kids to be on the lookout for fun things in nature since our goal was to be in nature and see nature and not rush through the whole experience. 

We talked about exploring and seeing the beauty that God has blessed us with. 

I also encouraged the kids when it comes to hiking it's not a sprint it's a marathon. You don't want to rush rush rush and then be too exhausted to get back to the van. 

By the end of the hike we still loved each other so that's all that matters. 

I'm so glad that we did take a few hikes prior to our road trip as it did help us work out the kinks. 

The main thing I kept telling the kids is it doesn't matter who's in front...we are all eventually going to see what they see. Just because they see it first doesn't mean it's not just as amazing when we see it. 

Later that night we got in the truck and headed to DQ for celebration ice cream. 

We even got to eat our ice cream inside for the first time in almost 2 years. 

Here's to another great year of home schooling!