Sunday, November 4, 2012

Open Wide!

Once we got to Ga-Ga & Pa's house on Halloween night we made a little bite to eat. Michael was trying to hold Zeke and eat at the same time, but that cute little boy is just reaching for everything these days.
While sitting on Pa's lap he kept trying to get his feet.
Cute, chubby, cheeks!!!
Zeke is also teething so Ga-Ga let him suck on a piece of beef jerky (something all my kids have loved to do) and then I decided to let him suck on a banana. Of course the banana was so soft it just broke off. So I decided to mush it up and feed it to him.  
I was super surprised that when I brought the spoon to his mouth he opened right up. He had a few bites...of course most of it came back out. It reminded me a bit of Jack Jack from The Incredibles.
In the next week or so I'm going to go out and get Zeke some baby cereal so he can start on that...I love the baby food eating phase.