Sunday, October 2, 2022

Family Pictures 2022!

Back on October 1st, we met with Starr for the first time since 2019 for Family Pictures! I was so excited so finally have new pictures of our family on the wall. The kids had grown SO much it was crazy! Plus is was just nice to get to see Starr. 

The weather was gorgeous which is not the best for photography. Starr wanted to meet later in the afternoon, but we had a party to go to so we met up earlier and she just worked her magic and the pictures came out amazing! 

It always seems like the hardest thing to figure out is the location for the pictures. I don't really want to drive somewhere that's 2 hours away and we've taken pictures at so many of the local places we've even used one of the locations twice. I wanted something different. Starr actually recommended the old historic McMillian Bridge that is only 2 miles or so from my parents house. I thought it was a great idea! We did have to be mindful of bike riders, but only on the one bridge. Once we moved over to the old road bridge they weren't an issue at all. 

It's crazy to me that we were all...except to wear short sleeves and Ella was able to wear shorts! The weather was amazing! 

Since we tend to get pictures taken for our Christmas cards, it's usually always cold and dreary out and the leaves have all changed color and many have fallen to the ground. It was a fun change to have it be so bright and green out. 

Ella is 12 & Zeke is 10!

Owen is 15 & Jack is 14! 

These sweet kids did so much growing up in the last 3 years! In fact during our last Family Picture session in 2019, Zeke didn't even fully have his big front teeth in yet! 

Soon they'll all be taller than Ga-Ga & Pa!!! 

Then we moved over to the old highway bridge. There was graffiti sprayed on the pillars. I would imagine that Starr used her magic to tone it down a bit, but it did make a fun backdrop! 

Handsome young men! 

Usually Ga-Ga is freezing during our pictures sessions so it was so nice for a change that she wasn't! 

Love this picture of them!

Individual grandkid pictures! 

Sweet Zeke boy! 

He wanted some input on one of his poses so Starr let him decide this pose! 

Jackson loves to climb and do ninja warrior stuff so I really like this picture of him! 

Sweet beautiful Ella Grace!

How is it that he's almost 16 years old!?!?!

I love it when the pictures that are posed to be natural actually end up looking natural! 

This ended up being my favorite family shot. It was funny one of Ella's friends actually thought I was taller than Michael when she saw this picture. Nope...I'm just standing on the curb! Don't worry I'm not actually elbowing Jack in the neck. My arm is behind him! 

Me and my love!!! 

Mama with her boy! 

All the boys! 

Daddy with his boys! 

Pa with the boys! 

Me and my girl! 

All the girls! 

Daddy with his girl! 

I love this shot! I think Michael might be making fun of her sassiness! 

Fun creative wouldn't think it would be hard to run in a straight line, but this picture proved to be so much more difficult than it should have been!! :P

And always a tradition....our Blessings picture! 

It wasn't very long after these pictures were taken that my friend Starr got some bad news. She found out she had a cancerous brain tumor. She's been undergoing chemo for months now. She has good days and bad. She been separated from her family a lot during this time. She knows the Lord and has put her faith and trust in Him, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't have times of being angry and frustrated at her situation. If you've made it this far in his post please say a prayer for her and her family!