Friday, June 14, 2024

Last Day Of School 2024!

My original plan with homeschool for the 2023 - 2024 year was finish the week of Jack's birthday, however, I didn't factor in losing so many days with us going to Great Wolf Lodge back in February. Oops! So we ended up going until June 13th. The last week of school was absolutely the worst. First off it was after the Rafting Trip which just wiped us all out...we were tired and with that came bad attitudes and crankiness. It was really bad and we were just ready to be done! Praise the Lord for summer vacation! I've decided moving forward with homeschool that if we are going on the rafting trip we will be finishing school the week matter! Then when we come home from the trip we can just rest and recover from all that fun! 


Look at this handsome man! 

I can't believe he's done with his Junior year. The next time I take his picture like this he'll be a Senior!! 

On to 12th grade! 

Jackson such a handsome prince or as Pa says...a pransome hince! :) 

He's finished up with 10th grade and moving onto his Junior year! 

Ella's name means beautiful and she is such a beauty...both inside and out! 

Onto her last year of middle school! 

Zeke is such a cutie patootie! 

He's moving onto 7th grade! It's nuts to think he was in 2nd grade the last time he was in public school. Man time flies! 

Even though the kids don't really need to use the buddy system anymore we will still carry on the tradition of buddy pictures! 

I'm so proud to be their Mom! They are pretty awesome kids! 

And the best possible way! ;P 

Here's to the start of a summer that I hope is filled with loads of happy and memorable moments! 

We tried to get a picture with our mascot, but he was not cooperating! 

And just for kicks and giggles here's a comic that Jackson created! He's so talented!