Sunday, March 2, 2025

Ella's Birthday Party!

On Friday, February 28th, we had a small party with Ella's girlfriends. All the friends that were coming over go to choir with Ella....well Anna & Addison usually go to choir, but they are taking this session off. Christina did drop them off at choir so they got to chat with their choir friends and then I came and picked up all the girls. We stopped at Costco first to get pizza for dinner and then we headed to our house. The girls enjoyed pizza and salad for dinner and then had mini chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream for dessert.

After the girls had been hanging out for a bit they wanted Ella to open her gifts. She got money from Owen with a birthday poem that Gemini helped him write and money from the Storer's. From Jack and Zeke she got a vest and a sweatshirt. Anna and Addison got her a hair clip, a turquoise bracelet, lip gloss, nail polish and chocolates. June got her lip mask, coloring book, sweatshirt and chocolates. I gave Ella an envelope with a birthday poem that ChatGPT helped me write! :) I was laughing so hard when Ella was reading Owen's poem because I knew that AI had to have helped him and then I laughed even more since I knew that I had AI help me. Anyways the poem that ChatGPT helped me write explained that since Ella's phone has seen better days she was getting a new to her phone. Michael and I decided to get new phones even though there is nothing wrong with them....they are paid off though. Michael's giving his phone to Owen since Owen's screen is all cracked and I'm giving my phone to Ella. She's also going to get to pick out a new case for my phone so she can make it her own. She's pretty excited and keeps asking when my new phone comes since she can't wait to get my old one.

These girls are so sweet and silly! 

Caitlynn was there too, but I didn't get a picture of her! :(

It was supposed to be a girls only party, but due to a medical situation the Storer boys came to our house instead of my boys going to their house. 

Ella wanted to have a sleepover and then have all the families come over the next day for a luncheon. June, Anna & Addison slept over. Caitlynn needs more sleep so she headed home with her brothers around 9pm after the girls finished watching High School Musical. 

Ella and I went shopping on Thursday afternoon to get all the food for her party. She wanted to have croissant sandwiches, chips and dip, veggies and fruit. For dessert I made a vanilla cake.  

June had to go home on Saturday morning and Caitlynn came back. Also Aidry joined the mix so we still had the same number of girls we started with. 

So happy to have Micah at the party he was in a bike accident on Thursday night and had just gotten released from the hospital the day before. He still has some medical concerns, but he's taking it easy and following doctors orders. 

My sweet man and I worked together that morning to get the food all ready. Normally we don't have parties at lunch time so I have all morning to do it myself, but since we were having lunch I needed another set of hands. It was nice working with my hubby! 

Addison put Ella's hair in her new hairclip and it looked so cute especially with her curls sticking out. They didn't even curl her hair that's just from all her natural curls! 

Cute girl looked a little feisty to me in the above picture so I told her to smile better and now she looks a little less irritated with her mother! 

Time for the second round of presents! 

The OJEZ box made it's appearance! 

Since Pa wasn't giving Ella her birthday money until 2 weeks after her birthday he actually pro-rated the amount. So instead of it being $115 she actually got $115.60. He did round up a bit since it was actually supposed to be .57. We did ask him he was going to subtract that amount from her birthday money next year and his response was "Well...let's not worry about that" or something along those lines. She is Pa's princess after all! 

From Papa & Ruth she got this yummy smelling lotion that smells like lemon and coconut! 

I really enjoyed having a lunch party instead of a dinner party. It felt like people weren't in such a rush to get home and just wanted to stay and visit. It was so nice! 

In fact since I'm doing 75 Hard, Christina was all for helping me get my second workout done for the day so her and the girls and I drove over to the middle school track to get our workout done outside in the nice weather! 

Aidry had already gone home, but I was going to drop Ella off later at her house so they could have a sleepover, but once everyone left I could tell that Ella was spent. It was 5pm so she had been around friends for over 24 hours and the girls stayed up until 1:30am! Her voice was so tired from talking and she just needed some time to herself to be able to reset and rest so she ended up staying home instead!