Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Something So Normal!

On October 20th we had such a nice normal day. The kids finished their schoolwork and then I needed to run to some errands. 

My first stop was at the library to drop off our ballots.

Then I headed to Kohl's to return a couple Amazon purchases. I must say I absolutely love being able to do that and the fact that I don't even have to box the return up....it's amazingly easy! 

I then went over to the candle section to buy another fall candle. These Sonoma Candles are my favorite and they are $10. When you return anything from Amazon to Kohl's you get a 25% off coupon for Kohl's so I usually only end up paying $8.75 total for these candles. 

On my way home from Kohl's I went on a back road that took me by a park. All of the parks near us have been closed, plus with school starting and the weather being all yucky it hasn't made it easy to go to a park. On this particular day the weather was gorgeous and the park was OPEN!!! I drove home and told the kids to get their shoes on we were going outside to play. 

It was so awesome to see other families out with their kids enjoying the nice weather. 

This park has this awesome zipline. Normally when we come it's so crowded the kids only get 3 trips. There were so few kids there they were able to go on it probably over a dozen times! 

Happy to be outside in the sunshine! 

My girl sweet girl just hanging out! 

Riding the zipline! 

Sweet boys! 

Ella kept putting off going on the zipline, but then she finally decided to go. 

I think she enjoyed it! 

Of course the older two had to make it a competition and tried to race. 

Zeke's turn! 

Eventually Owen got so warm he took his coat off....miracles do happen! :) 

One happy boy! 

And photographic proof that Owen beat Jack! 

It was such a blessing to be outside and be able to do something that just a few months ago we wouldn't have really thought twice about. It's amazing how your perspective can change. I'd like to say that we won't ever take these little normal things for granted ever again, but I also know that we're human and will most likely do just that once things go back to normal....if that ever happens!