Monday, March 1, 2021

Ella's 11 Year Old Pictures & Girly Date!

I took Ella to get her pictures on Sunday, February 28th. Owen and I had been there exactly a week prior to get his pictures. The ladies that were working that day were also working this day. They remembered me and apologized again for us having to wait so long for Owen's pictures. 

This was the first year that Ella picked out her own outfit for pictures without any input from me. I think she did a beautiful job! 

My sweet girly is growing up! 

She chose to bring Kyra and Winter with her. The three pictures above are the one I got digital images of, but the wallets I got to use as Thank You cards have Kyra riding on Winter. I love how JCPenney's encourages the kids to bring something that represents their personality right now. It's fun to look back at the past pictures and see what they chose to bring with them. 

Prior to going to JCP's we had some time before her appointment so we stopped at Value Village to shops or a bit. Ella really wanted one of those plastic Sterlite 3 drawer containers to put her dolls clothes in. We ended up finding one, but it was back in the area where the workers price things. Thankfully I ask a guy if we could buy it and he said yes and he'd price it right away. We ended up getting it for only $2.99!!! I also bought Ella a pretty necklace. 

After her pictures I told her we were going to go out for a late lunch at a restaurant. I wish I could have taken a picture of her face. She was SHOCKED! She stared at me and then said, "Inside!!!" Yes, baby girl inside the restaurant. Thankfully Olive Garden has an online wait list. We had been on the list since we got to JCP's. After finishing up there we headed over and checked in. Our table was going to be ready in about 5 - 10 minutes. We went back to the van to wait, but then Ella realized she needed to use the restroom. We went inside to do that and my phone got a text saying our table was available. 

It was SO nice and normal to be eating at a restaurant! Our waiter was amazing and so friendly. I feel like everyone is so happy to be getting back to normal, so happy to see others and so happy to have a job!