Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Random Happenings!

Since Owen's loves facts he decided he should create his own Jeopardy game. Ga-Ga & Pa come over every Wednesday night for family night so we played then. 

The first time he created a game he didn't have any Daily Doubles or Final Jeopardy, but since then he's upped his game! :) 

Since we have a home cellphone for the kids and it's connected to my Google Photos I'm always finding all these pictures of Charlie that have been automatically uploaded. 

Charlie has taken to laying on Zeke's bed instead of our master bed. He loves Zeke's pillow! It's as flat as a pancake and he loves it so I guess it's no wonder that the cat loves it too. Ella tucked Charlie in here! 

Then sometimes they go check on him and he's in silly positions like this! 

One of Owen's projects in Social Studies was to create a contour map. He chose the Hawaiian Islands. 
I actually love that he spelled Hawaiian wrong....Hawiian! :) 

The different colors represent different elevations. He didn't quite get Maui correct since there is a nice valley right in the middle, but oh well. He also created a grid like battleship....it's just really hard to see! 

Jack decided to dress up like Pa one day. It's hard to tell from this angle, but he stuffed a shirt into his shirt to make it look like he had a tummy! Thankfully this made Pa laugh! :) 

The kids were driving me crazy with not finishing all their morning tasks prior to school. I had this magnetic chalk calendar on the side of the refrigerator that wasn't being used so I decided to make it work. I took black electrical tape and covered the days of the week so it wouldn't be confusing and then I wrote out all the task on top. 

Get Dressed - Eat - Brush Teeth - Make Bed - Set Up School - Fill Water Bottle - Pit Stick

Once they complete the task they can move their magnet over to that spot. It's not been a perfect solution, but it's definitely helped! 

Charlie very rarely gets up on the furniture except the couch...that's his domain! It's always so surprising when he actually behaves like a cat and goes somewhere he normal doesn't....in this instance on top of the TV console table. He's such a pretty kitty! 

Jackson has always loved Toy Story, but for a while he didn't really pay attention to those toys anymore. Recently, they've made a comeback so much so Jackson saved up enough money to buy himself a Slinky Dog. Friday night is Family Movie Night so Jack got all his characters set up to watch the movie with us. 

Here's the side view! Buzz is sitting inside a tissue box andWoody is using my water pitcher as a seat. I just love how Slinky Dog is sitting on his bum! What you can't see is that Woody's arm is actually around the neck of Slinky Dog! 

One of Charlie's other favorite place to lay down is at the top of the stairs. Evidently one of the kids thought he needed something fun to read! 

Recently when Ella went to the orthodontist to get her lower braces put on, we went ahead and had Owen evaluated to see if he needed braces. There were some minor concerns I had with his teeth. My mindset is I'd rather him get these issues addressed now while he's under our insurance. Also it's way easier to have braces when you're younger rather than older. 

Owen was not too thrilled with this decision, but he didn't really have a choice! 

He's just like Ella where he has quite an overbite so they only were able to put his top braces on right now. He'll go back in about 2 months to get his lowers put on. 

After just one day his teeth were already moved apart...especially his two front teeth. Of course he wasn't feeling too good, but thankfully the next day he was already doing so much better!