Sunday, January 16, 2022

Owen's 15 Year Old Pictures!

Who is this grown man in front of me!?!?! Seriously...I showed this picture to a couple ladies at church and they thought it was a graduation picture!  

He's such handsome guy!

He's also SO least to me. I know there are other teenage boys out there pushing 6ft. But he's almost 5'7". I believe a few years back when the Dr. did one of those estimation charts she said he'd probably be around 5'10" tall. 

For Owen's birthday he got a lot of money! He ended up buying quite a few LEGO sets with his money. The thing he wanted the most was this Imperial Cruiser. It is pretty rad! I love that he still loves to play with LEGO's! I want him to hold onto to his childhood just a tiny bit longer!