Saturday, August 13, 2022

Getting Ready For School!

One of the big things I have to do at the end of the school year is mail off all the kids' PACE Tests to Lighthouse Christian Academy by a certain date. This is so they can quality check them in order to record each of the kids' final grades for that year. Once those have been checked I get a big packet in the mail with copies of any of the tests where I might have missed something that was actually wrong, or just calculated the scoring incorrectly. There are usually at least a couple of PACE tests that need to be adjusted once they look them over. Thankfully it's never been anything huge where their score has changed so drastically that they would be required to retake a test. Once we have that packet and their grades for that year I can then start prepping for the next year. 

This year I wanted to start school early on August 17th. I usually wait for our advisor to contact us, but I decided to contact her to get the ball rolling. That was a very good idea since she said they had so many new enrollments they warehouse was running about 2 weeks behind in getting PACE orders completed. It seemed that I contacted them at just the right time in order to get the kids PACE's in enough time to start school on August 17th. 

We did have a little scare when the UPS showed that all the PACE's were delivered, but it wasn't to our house. I was freaking out....there was no time to get the order completely replaced and be able to start by August 17th. Thankfully Michael decided to walk our entire street and lo and behold he found the 3 huge boxes with my name and address clearly on them...sitting in front of the completely wrong house.

Praise the Lord....I was able to move forward with my school preparations for the upcoming year!  

I have this huge 4 drawer file cabinet in the office that holds almost all the kids work. Zeke's work does have to be stored in one of my other desk drawers. It's a lot of material for a whole year of schooling for 4 kids! 

Once I had received all the kids' new PACE's for the upcoming year it was time to go through the previous years work and toss it. 

Here's all Zeke's 4th grade PACE's! That's quite a heavy load! 

Since Owen is a highschooler his workload is obviously more intense. 

This was Jack's last year of middle school...after this his arms will be a lot more full! Jackson enjoyed his Social Studies PACE's so much he opted to keep them. He LOVES history...especially American history! 

Ella's last year of elementary school in the books! 

On August 8th, the older boys were away at camp and I had all the Storer Kids over to play with Ella & Zeke. It was wonderful! The kids had so much fun together they left me be so I was able to get all the PACE's for the upcoming year organized! In fact Andrew was upstairs having so much fun with LEGO's I didn't even know he was at my house for a couple of hours! 

Organizing the kids work for the whole year really is an all day job. It's one I like to start and just power through it to get it done. All that prep work pays off during the year because everything is all nicely organized and easily accessible. It really helps that organizing is one of my most favorite things to do!