Friday, April 24, 2020

Homemade Book Boxes!

When I first found out that the school was closing for at least 6 weeks I thought that we might use that first week like an early Spring Break. I thought it might be nice for the kids to have a break and also to give the school district time to get organized. Of course...I'm not that kind of person. I'm the jump in feet first kind of person. I started looking up all sorts of things on you guessed it...Pinterest. 

When the kids got home from that last day of school I had them empty their backpacks so I would know what material they were sent home with. It became very clear that we needed a place to put all that material or it was going to get very unorganized and if you know me you know I can't stand being unorganized. 

I found a post online for how to make homemade book boxes. I found a couple boxes in our pantry and then I texted my neighbor Rachael to ask her if she had any cereal boxes she'd give me. She had two of the bigger sized boxes which was perfect since I had two as well. 

First thing I did was cut them into the correct shape. At first I was going to have the kids help with this step, but since this was the actual "bones" of the book boxes I decided I wanted them to be really precise. 

Next up was the crafty portion. It's been fun getting into my craft stash and seeing what I have to use. 

I love to get the kids involved in an activity prior to something happening to them. For instance when we went on a big road trip I had them decorate their snack containers for the trip. It really helps the kids to feel included in the planning process and they can feel that sense of pride and ownership that comes when you create something. 

I was actually surprised that each of the kids were all about this craft. I have my normally crafty kids and then I have my no so crafty kids. 

Some kids definitely put more effort into their box than others, but that's okay....some people just have a more minimalist style. 

I had each of the kids write their names on the front of the boxes. Some of the kids wrote their name on all of the sides. 

We used up lots of glue sticks...thank goodness I had a bunch left over from all the school supply shopping.

Jackson even took the time to color his paper. Everything has to have red in his opinion! 

I put the book boxes on the counter of our built-in desk in the office and then put all their papers from school and some of the workbooks that I had here at home. 

As well as being organized with papers I am also supremely organized with my time. In order to keep myself sane I had to create a schedule for the kids. This schedule ended up changing over and over again, but we had to start somewhere right!?!?!