Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Homemade Crème Brule!

On Sunday, July 3rd, Michael decided to try to make homemade Crème Brule. It's absolutely his favorite dessert ever and a lot of place don't have it or if they do they are always sold out! 

We had some Heavy Whipping Cream so he decided to give it a whirl. In actuality it's not all that hard. He was able to make up 6 of them with one batch. You have to let them cool on the counter and then you can refrigerated them for up to 2 days before you eat them. Since the next day was 4th of July we waited to eat them until July 5th.  

Michael pulled out his little firestarter torch and caramelized all that sugar. 

The kids thought this was pretty cool! 

Oh my goodness these were yummy! 

Michael was quite pleased with his creation! 

It was the perfect amount of hard crusty sugar on top and then the cream was still cold underneath. Yum Yum! 

Even the kids liked it! 

I think Zeke is trying to say something in French like Bon Appetit!

The kids liked it, but it was a big dessert so they couldn't finish it. Of course Daddy wasn't going to let his hard work go to waste! 

Good Job Daddy!