Saturday, July 2, 2022

Family Bowling Time!

At the end of June, the kids went and spent a few nights at Ga-Ga & Pa's. It seems like every year they stay right before 4th of July. They end up being really good helpers with getting the house and yard all picked up and ready for the 4th of July BBQ. Of course they also love that Pa pays them for their help as well! ;) 

We picked them up on Saturday, July 2nd, in the afternoon and had a surprise for them. I had signed them up for the Kids Bowl Free program at Tower Lanes. I also added myself and Michael so we could bowl alongside the kids. 

This sweet Owen man will be as tall as his Daddy soon! 

I think bowling is one of those games where it really teaches you to be an encourager and to cheer other people on. 

The interesting thing about Tower Lanes is there aren't many seats. Not nearly enough for everyone that you can have at the lane. For the most part Michael and I stood up, but the kids were so funny sitting down on the seats and after every persons turn they would shuffle over. It was like watching a batter get on deck so he can get ready for his turn. They were just getting closer and closer to the on deck seat! 

I love these kids! 

This summer has been great for us because at the end of the school year we were not our best selves. We definitely needed a break from the everyday routine! 

Ella is SO like exactly like me. She hates to be told that she might be doing something wrong and she does not want you to show her how to do it correctly. She just wants to do it and eventually she'll figured it out. Even if she doesn't figure it out...she doesn't want your help...AT ALL!!! 

Sweet Zeke Man! 

I swear sometimes he was aiming for the bumpers! 

Nice one Jackson! Jack was actually the spare king of the day! 

I think Daddy won the first game he got 3 or 4 strikes right away. 

I usually stink on my second game, but I ended up winning. Even though we had bumpers, only one of my balls hit the side. 

After this we took the kids out to eat at Olive Garden! They have loved Olive Garden ever since we took them last year in Las Vegas. 

I plan on taking them bowling at least one more time before the summers out and I think after we bowl we'll go play a round of mini-golf. I'll finally get to try out the course since I was too busy at Jack & Zeke's birthday party!