Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Indoor & Outdoor Fun!

Towards the end of June the boys decided to get out some of the water balloons we had and have themselves a water balloon fight. They did everything themselves. They didn't ask me for a thing. It was so nice to see them taking ownership and having fun together. 

They each had their own container filled with their water balloons. 

I think there might have been some thievery going on at one point. 

It was so fun hearing excited screams and shouts! 

What did we do without Bunch O Balloons. They make water balloon fights so easy now! 

The boys were even good about going around and picking up all the balloon bits out of the yard when they were finished. 

I love these kids! 

While there was fun happening outside there was also fun happening inside. Earlier in the day Zeke had done some ice dying with tie dye powder. It was one of his KiwiCo crates. After his stuff was dyed we washed and dried it. 

He was able to make 2 pairs of socks and 1 hat. 
I love that he's wearing a pair of socks on his hands! 

Even though each sock was sitting right next to it's mate they both turned out so different! 

His hat turned out really cool. I don't know if he'll actually ever wear these, but it was fun getting to make them! 

Ella was also working on her KiwiCo crate. She was learning all about plaster. She was able to make 3 plater planters using molds. This project took her a few days from start to finish because of the setting and drying times. She also was learning about paint dipping where you thin the paint with water and are able to dip whatever you want to paint into it. 

Here's her first planter. The kit came with the stickers that look like plants. She painted this one specifically with this leaf in mind. She decided to dip the planters at an angle. 

The yellow one was a surprise....we both weren't sure if we'd like it, but it turned out really nice! 

This one is super cool too. It's hard to tell because of the lighting, but she just wanted to dip the very bottom with this purple color. 

Here she is with her creations. Honestly KiwiCo is amazing!!!