Friday, June 10, 2022

Owen's Piano Recital!

Last year I really wanted Owen to start taking piano lessons. He has taken them twice before. Once when I was working at the church he was taking them from our Worship Pastor, but once I quit working at the church we stopped those since I was paying for them with my paycheck. Then again in 2021, he started going to Micah and Kim's house and being taught with their kids. Unfortunately, a month and half after he started that piano teacher moved to Colorado. I felt like we were never going to find something that would work for him. I asked around and even contacted some people, but nothing was working out. That's when I decided to just think...who do I know that plays piano? That's when it hit me...the kids used to go to Awanas and the main director of that played the piano. I contacted Josh and asked if he taught piano. He said that he used to, but then his wife had a baby and he hadn't ever gotten back into it. He said he'd talk with his wife and let me know. He contacted me a couple days later and said that he'd be willing to teach Owen. I was over the moon excited! 

Owen started lessons on January 20th. He has lessons on Thursday afternoons at 2:30pm....most of the time. Josh works from home so he's super flexible and so are we since we homeschool. We've had to move his lessons around every now and then because of Orthodontist appts for the kids or a meeting that Josh has to go to. It's been great though. 

Mainly it just me and Owen at his lessons....I just sit in the back of the church and read. Josh and Owen have a lot in common and Owen really respects and enjoys his time with him. Josh is different in his method of teaching and I really like it. It's not about Owen learning his way through a particular music book. They picked music that Owen enjoyed and Josh encouraged Owen to create his own music. 

I think it was about a month into his lessons when brought up the fact that I thought Owen needed something to work towards. I thought it would be great for him to have a recital....even though he was Josh's only student he needed to have a goal. Josh's wife was pregnant with their second child and going to give birth at the end of June so it was perfect timing. Owen would have about 5 months to practice, have his recital at the beginning of June and then take time off for the summer so Josh could have a break with the new baby and not have to worry about giving lessons. 

Owen's Piano Recital was on Thursday, June 9th at 6pm! 

Josh made up this graphic and had it on the screen right when you walked in the door to the church. 

He also made up programs that listed all the songs Owen would be playing! 

My favorite thing about Owen playing the piano besides the fact that he's making beautiful music is...I love to watch his hands. They look so beautiful dancing across the keys. 

Josh helped me get my phone all set up so I record the whole program. I'm just so proud of him and all the hard work he put in. His two main songs were the Goodness of God & Fur Elise...his hands really dance across the keys when he plays that one. He also played some originals and then bits of songs he's learning, but hasn't masters. The full song he wrote himself he plays at the very end it's called Serenity and it's amazing! He's amazing! 

Of course we had to get pictures with all his fans! 

Papa & Ruth

Ga-Ga & Pa

So proud of this guy! 

His siblings are too! 

Michelle and Jordan came to cheer Owen on! 

Of course Josh! 

Owen really does look forward to his lessons and he's starting back at them on Thursday, August 18th. I think he'll have another piano recital sometime during the Christmas season...maybe right after the New Year, which means he'll have less time to practice. I can't wait to see what other songs he masters and creates!