Friday, June 3, 2022

School's Out For Summer!

This year our last day of school was Friday, June 3rd! I love being able to dictate when my kids are in school. Jack's birthday is on June 5th and he wants his birthday to be during summer vacation so I make it happen! 

Owen is finished with his first year of high school! 

He did great this year especially considering the workload he had. He's still playing catch up and that means a lot of extra Math and English which are not his favorite subjects, but he did it and I'm so proud of him! 

On to 10th grade! 

Jack is now finished with middle school! 

Jack makes school look easy! He is a natural self starter and he also had the lightest load out of all the kids. He was finished with school most days before lunchtime. 

On to high school! Crazy!!!

Ella finished up elementary school! 

She is a wonder! She had progressed SO much in these last 2 years of homeschool. I'm so incredibly proud of her! 

On to middle school!!! 

Zeke finished up 4th grade!!! 

School can be hard for Zeke...he gets overwhelmed and has a hard time focusing. Hoping his year he'll turn a corner though! 

On to 5th grade!!! 

By the end of the school year we were all ready to be finished! I don't know why, but this year definitely felt more stressful for me. 

It was nice to finish out the year and know that we were going to get to do fun things together! 

Owen and Ella are now to cool to be weirdos! 

We couldn't have a last day of school photo session without out school mascot! 

Charlie is everyone's emotional support animal whether he likes it or not!