Monday, June 28, 2010

Wow...Do I Feel Old Or What!

Last week my mom, GG, Ella and I went shopping Walmart in preparation for my Dad's 60th Birthday party. My mom ended up buying a the kids a new outdoor water toy.
Owen is wondering what is going on Mama?

Daddy's all ready to show Owen what to do!

Oh I get it now!

Whoa...that's a lot of water Daddy!

Neither Michael or I had bathing suits so Michael is wearing my Dad's and I'm wearing my Mom's. I haven't been on a slip and slide since I was 10 years old. You wouldn't think you'd use all that many muscles to slide, but let me tell do! I'm still a little sore and it's 4 days later!

Jack was not at all thrilled about the slip in slide so he hung out in Ga-Ga's arms...his favorite spot!

In the end Owen really started getting it.

He had so much fun in the sun and can't wait to play with it again!