Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Worst Night EVER!!!

I'm not exaggerating here, trust me! Last night was awful! Owen went to bed a little after 8pm which isn't out of the ordinary, his bedtime is normally 8:30. Michael and I stayed up until 11pm and then went to bed. I woke up to Owen crying at 12:30 and was trying to let him cry himself back to sleep, but he was being pretty strong about it. That's when Michael rolled over and said that he woke up crying at 11:30 as well. I thought I was dreaming that Owen was crying so I didn't wake up for that one. At 12:30 I went in and gave him some teething tablets thinking that might be what was bothering him. He went back to sleep. He woke up again at 1:30! I think I let him cry himself back to sleep again. He woke up again at 2:30! This time I went in and rocked him and kissed him and snuggled him and put him back to bed. He kept on crying and crying and crying. At 3am I decided I'll feed him. He ate pretty good so I thought that was what was bothering him. I put him back to bed. He was quiet for a while and then he started crying again. I think it was 3:50 or something like that was when I decided to change his diaper to see if that was the problem. Then I gave him tummy drops because he was acting like his tummy was hurting him. After I changed his diaper I was holding him and he burped about 3 times and I thought okay that was the problem. So I put him back in bed and let Daddy deal with him while I took a breather and went to have some time to myself. After 5 or so minutes when I didn't here him crying I went back to bed, guess what...he started crying again. By now I was so frustrated and tired as I'm sure Owen was too. I ask Michael to turn our box fan in our bedroom on high so it would drowned out his cries. I refused to go in again, he needed to just cry it out otherwise he was going to expect us to go in every time and that's just not going to happen. After about 5 minutes he finally feel asleep. I think Michael and I finally got to bed at 4:30am!!! Around 6 I woke up thinking I heard Owen, but it was just our stupid neighbors dog barking. I tried to go back to sleep, but then I did hear something. I heard beeping! Of all the nights (morning now) for the battery in the smoke detector to go dead this was just the icing on the cake. And it had to be the smoke detector in the stairwell which is too high for me to reach it so I had to wake Michael up so he could take it down for me. Luckily I just bought 9 volt batteries at Target on Sunday so I was able to shut the thing up fast. I was able to get back to sleep thank goodness. Michael left for work around 7:15 or so and Owen let me sleep in about 15 minutes after that. Owen was grumpy a little bit this morning partly because the first thing I had to do was change his diaper, but after that was over with he was fine. Now he's taking his morning nap and it's the start of a new day. Tonight will be better I'm sure!


Furry Bottoms said...

oh no, I am so sorry it was such a bad night! Tonight will be a better night! :)

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I wonder if he was having bad dreams. Can kids that age have nightmares?

Lyndsay said...

They do know that babies have REM sleep which is the kind of sleep adults are in when they dream, but I don't know if there is anyway they can really prove if they have bad dreams or not. I think he was going through a growth spurt and he was just in pain. I swear he's gained a pound in a week!