Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rough Day

Yesterday was such a rough day for Mommy and Owen. We think Owen is trying to cut some more teeth and he's just at that age where he is testing me. I love this kid to pieces, but yesterday I sure needed a break from him. Thankfully Michael got home from work early and took over. He is such a wonderful man! After dinner when my patience was totally gone I came upstairs and had some alone time on the computer. About a half an hour before it was time for Owen to go to bed I went back downstairs and it was like a clean slate. Owen was so excited to see me and I was so excited to see him. I love that! It was really nice to end the day on a good note. Another plus about last night was Jack only woke up once to eat in the middle of the night. YAHOO!!!


Furry Bottoms said...

Sometimes that is all it takes... a little break to remind you how much you really enjoy eachother.