Yesterday morning I went upstairs to get Jack since he had woke up. As I was coming downstairs I said, "Owen guess who's awake?" He didn't answer so Michael said, "Owen who's is that?" And in the sweetest voice EVER he said......"Mama!"
Needless to say I cried!
Owen has been saying Daddy or Dada for a long time now, but he just wouldn't say Mama. He would babble sometimes and say Mamamamamamama, but never just Mama. I love that little guy!!!
Oh and just for fun here's a picture of Owen signing please.
AWWW that is just so sweet!!!!! Now you can totally feel more connected because he knows you by name and can call you by name:) How awesome! Please is so cute too!!!
Doesn't it just make all the hard work worth it?! There's nothing like it in all the world : )
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