Monday, April 15, 2013

He's Everywhere!

Now that Zeke is crawling he is all over the place. Thankfully he hasn't shown too much interest in the stairs yet. We do have the baby gate at the top of the stairs, but I'm holding off putting the one on the bottom of the stairs for as long as I can.

One Saturday while Michael and the boys were eating lunch he crawled under the table and was standing up. It's the funniest thing seeing this little person stand completely up under a table. 

I posted these last two on FB already, but there were too cute to not include here. Ella left her Cheerios on the picnic table in the playroom. The kids still aren't used to the fact that Zeke can stand up now. So of course he got into her cereal and spilled it everywhere. While I was in the kitchen he was just sitting under the table eating away! He was quite proud of himself!

After he had his fill of Cheerios he decided to crawl into the open pantry and pull down his baby food containers. Cute boy knows what he wants and know where to go for it!

This was taken right before his first bath since he's been standing up on his own. He loved standing up in the tub and holding onto the sides. He's already started letting go with one hand and transferring from one thing to another. I'm sure he'll be cruising around the furniture in no time!