So I haven't blogged about the boys sleep because frankly I'm concerned that it will all come crashing down if I speak, think or type it out loud! Oh well I'm tempting fate! Owen and Jack has been sleeping so much better...thanks in part to a few simple lifesaving (okay I know that's a little much) changes.
The big change has been during nap time. The morning nap has always pretty much been a breeze because it's just Jack napping no big deal. Sometimes he won't take his full nap, but the majority of the time it's cake. The afternoon nap has always been a struggle. For a while I was putting Owen to bed in their room and then putting Jack in his car seat to sleep, but I really wanted to break that habit. So I started trying to get them to sleep together at nap time, but that ended up being a horrible idea. Owen would only end up sleeping for 45 minutes some days and Jack sometimes only 30. Plus I would get no alone time and that's just not cool with me. The days the boys don't need naps anymore is going to be the day I start taking anti-depressants.
Anyways the other day I was at my parents house and it was time for the boys to take their naps. There is only one portable crib so usually Owen sleeps in it and Jack sleeps in his car seat, but like I said was really wanting to get away from that. So I thought I would try having Owen sleeping a real big boy old bed. I told Owen he was going to sleep in a big boy bed and he kept telling me, "No". I sang him a song about a big boy bed and then brought in the music player that he's used to hearing at Ga-Ga's and he fell asleep! I was so shocked. So Owen slept in the big bed and Jack slept in the portable crib. So cool!
The next day I was at my friend Jen's house and it was nap time so I asked if Owen could sleep in her bed and she had no problem with that. I found a stuffed animal for Owen to sleep with and then took him into Jen's room. I tucked him in and then turned on the space heater to the fan setting so he would have some white noise. Later on I thought I heard him kicking the wall or something so I marched in there to stop him and there he was sleeping on the floor on Jen's fluffy rug at the foot of her bed. It got a little cold in the room so he had gotten up to turn the heat on instead of the fan. The space heater that Jen has is actually ours we are letting her borrow it so Owen knows how to use it. He is so smart. I just couldn't believe that he laid himself back down and went to sleep instead of coming out. He slept on the floor for 2 1/2 hrs!
The next day we were actually at home so when it was nap time I put Owen to bed in the spare bedroom and Jack to bed in his crib. It worked beautifully! Owen is now taking 3 - 4 hour naps and Jack is sleeping about 1 1/2 - 2 hours twice a day. Mommy is so happy!
Oh naps, glorious naps! Elliott sleeps in our bed for naps too. He too sleeps for 3-4 hours.
Isn't it the best : )
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