Saturday, January 16, 2010

Warning - Decent Potty Pictures!

Jack is definitely the little brother that wants to be just like his older brother. He wants to do EVERYTHING Owen does. So the other day when he asked me if he could sit on the potty I wasn't surprised. He has sat on the potty before by himself with his clothes on, but this time I could tell he wanted his clothes off. It was right before bed so I needed to get him changed anyways. So I sat him on the potty chair and made the pee pee noise, "Pssss" and waited to see if he would go. He was way more interested in reaching in and trying to touch either himself or the bottom of the potty...I'm not sure, but he did actually go potty a little.

As a treat for going potty in the potty chair I decided to let him run around in Owen's undies for a little while. He was so excited to wear Elmo undies just like Bubba does.

It was so cute because he still has that baby belly so the undies didn't quite fit him right yet. In fact seeing him in undies was a lot like me wearing undies right now with my big pregnant belly!

He was only in the undies for 5 minutes or so, but of course he peed all over them while he was running around, but he sure had fun! We aren't going to actively try to potty train him until he's 2 so we still have a few more months...unless he decides he wants to try earlier.