Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Jack is saying new words everyday. He is pretty much repeating whatever we say!
Ahbee = airplane - He will point up in the sky when a plane flies overhead and says this very excitingly.
Ambee = Ambulence
Lala = Ella
No-No = Pooh bear blanky he sleeps with
Av dat = Have that
Chow = McQueen from Cars (He says it this way because McQueen says Kachow in the movie)
Daaa = Doc from Cars
Foe = Flo from Cars
Maa = Mack from Cars
Nay-Nay = Mater from Cars
Gukee = Cookie Monster
Nernie = Ernie
Meemee = Mickey Mouse
Menee = Minnie Mouse
Dondald = Donald Duck
Goat = Coat
Soooo = Soap
Tuttle = Turtle
How = House
Choo choo = Train
Boo = Boot
Mmm eye!! = Mine (Thanks Ga-Ga! :))
Ello = Yellow
Dow = Down
Dant U = Thank you
Jack can now make the sounds for a cat, dog, monkey, pig and his sound for rooster is CACO!
He can point to his ears, nose, hair, belly, wee wee and his teeth. He can also beep his nose if you ask him too and give high fives. He's actually been able to do the high fives for a long time, but I never blogged about it before...at least I don't think I have! :)
Just today when Michael was walking out to the garage to get something he waved and said, "Bye bye Daddy!"