Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Girl

I am so in love with my baby girl. I love her...I love her...I love her! At the same time I can't say I ever necessarily wanted or saw myself as a Mama to a baby girl. In fact when I first found out I was pregnant I actually wanted it to be a boy and I really was against having a girl. Of course God changed my heart during the beginning of my pregnancy and by the time we found out we were in fact having a girl I was over the moon excited!

With that being really...I'm not sure if hurts or bothers is the right word...maybe frustrates me as a mother of two boys and then a girl that people assume that we were trying for a girl since we had two boys. Or that we are now done having kids because we finally have our girl. That's so not true! Michael and I would have been over the moon excited had it turned out we were having another boy. We weren't trying for anything other than a baby! In fact we weren't trying at all. God blessed us with this beautiful baby and we feel so lucky to have her and our two beautiful boys.