Monday, October 12, 2009

That's Good Pie Cake

Pie Cake...what's pie cake? That's what Owen calls pretty much any cake or pie dessert. I think it's because I made Michael round cake once so it looked like a pie, but was a cake. Go figure!
Jack decided pretty much right away that the fork was not going to serve him fast enough so he picked up the entire piece of cake...

and shoved it in his mouth!

Seriously one minute it was there and the next it gone. He even asked for more!

Owen on the other hand is our clean eater. He asks for a napkin now at almost every meal. He gets very frustrated if he can't get the fork to work and ends up having to use his hands.

When the fork wasn't work for him he decided to cut out the middle man and take the mouth to the cake.

This kid loves him some pie cake and I love that happy chocolate goatee smile! :)