Tuesday, May 31, 2011

FlyLady - Day 6

Day 6 - Hot Spots

Yesterday was all about learning my houses Hot Spots. Those are those spots in the house that things just naturally accumulate things and if left alone the things will just take over. At first I didn't really think we had any (yeah I know) in our house, but then when I was making dinner I looked into the playroom and went...oh there's a Hot Spot! Of course I completely forgot to take before pictures...I'm so bad at that!

The rules with dealing with Hot Spots is setting a timer for 2 minutes and going for it. I was waiting for hamburger to defrost in the microwave so my timer was in use and I figured I didn't have much to do anyway so why not just work until the meat was thawed out. This hutch in our playroom (used to be our dining room) always collects a bunch of toys, puzzles and books. I put all those away and then even dusted since it was so dull looking.

This dresser in our dining room is also a Hot Spot. It collects all the spill over of stuff that won't fit in my craft corner. I usually stack scrapbooks on there since they are "on deck" as my next project, but I decided to just put them away where they go in the hutch in the first picture. When I'm ready to scrapbook I'll just get them out...novel idea huh!

I also cleared off my deck up in Michael's office and gave him two tasks this week of cleaning off his deck and the area in the kitchen that he usually clutters up.