Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Owen Speak

Owen is pretty much saying everything now so I'm mainly just going to post about the cute and funny things he says from here on out. Enjoy! He makes us laugh!

I bought some jeans at Value Village that had gems on the back pockets. The first day I wore them he walked up to me in the kitchen, pointed at my buns where the gems were and said, "Pretty!".

My phone was having problems a few weeks back, the microphone was going out so no one could here me. While I was on the phone with Michael I kept having to yell, "Can you hear me?"? Later that night Owen was walking around the house talking on his play phone yelling, "An you hear me? - An you HEAR ME? - AN YOU HEAR ME?" It was so funny because he was doing the tone of voice perfect and getting louder and louder each time just like I was.

Owen has learned how to manipulate our words to get the outcome he wants. He'll say something like, "Wagon ride?" and we'll say, "You wanna go in your wagon?" and he'll say, "Okay!" like it was our idea the whole time. He's used this many times!

Tonight during our wagon ride (he didn't trick me into this one) he was reaching out and touching the tires and they were tickling his fingers and he kept laughing and saying, "Too funny!"